Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! This is your month in the spotlight, and I've done a special reading for your year ahead today from my "Story Cards" oracle deck.
I used the Story Spread from the deck for this reading (pictured lower right) with a special "highlight card" on the top right. Your conflict this year - which should not be surprising given the adventurous nature of your sign - is that you have an urge to set forth on an adventure, yet your obligations to the home you deeply love, feel like they are holding you back.
For most of your life you have been a "Wildflower" -- a free spirit who wanders and adores nature. Being in one place for a long time is challenging for you. It just feels confining, and this has caused you much recent stress.
The good news is that you have truly the perfect resolution in the cards this year, lucky Sagittarius. You will find that taking short trips (often involving water) will help feed your adventurous spirit (the "Seeker" card is in your near future). And you will find that if you bring your loved one(s) on your adventures, you will have the best of both worlds. The "Serendipity" card is your highlight card this year - signifying, quite poetically that "Home is Wherever You are" when you are with the one you love. Accepting this paradox will bring grown and opportunity. When you accept the home you have found in love, yes, some doors will close (you know what they are), but when one door closes another opens, and what lies behind that new door is an adventure second to none.