Big MAGICK - The Oracle Artist's Way
Creating My Flower Medicine Oracle Deck - Oleander

Creating an oracle deck is such a transformative journey! It's a chance to dive deeply into a subject matter and find your voice as an artist as you paint an extended series. I've created 2 decks so far, the Story Cards oracle deck & my Synchronicity deck. Each has been a deeply personal journey into archetype and my own creative process. I enjoy creating decks so much because they allow me to focus on something that I love right now. Decks let me have yearlong infatuations! And this year, you may have noticed, I am in love with flowers! It...
Capricorn Oracle Card Reading & Story Cards Spread Tutorial
It's Capricorn season! Learn what's in store for Capricorns in 2020 and learn how to do an oracle reading for YOUR zodiac sign in this short video tutorial. Topics covered: how to lay out the cards in a simple "story spread" that you can use with any deck, how to find a card that represents yourself or your sign, and, of course, what conflict and resolution will be paramount for Capricorns in the year ahead.
Sagittarius "Story Cards" Reading for the Year Ahead

Happy Birthday, Sagittarius! This is your month in the spotlight, and I've done a special reading for your year ahead today from my "Story Cards" oracle deck. I used the Story Spread from the deck for this reading (pictured lower right) with a special "highlight card" on the top right. Your conflict this year - which should not be surprising given the adventurous nature of your sign - is that you have an urge to set forth on an adventure, yet your obligations to the home you deeply love, feel like they are holding you back. For most of...
Holiday DIY Wrapping Paper Makes Your Creativity the Gift!

SCORPIO - Love Reading for the Year Ahead
monthly horoscope oracle card reading oracle deck scorpio tarot reading

Happy birthday, Scorpio! This is your birthday month, and I have done a special "Scorpio Love Reading" for your year ahead using BOTH of my decks (Story Cards and Synchronicity Deck). This year will be all about the Power of Two. If you are in a relationship, this will mean that the two of you as a couple have the opportunity to be a force for good in your family and community. Your love will be a shelter, role model and inspiration to others. It is a good year to host a family party to give others in your periphery...